I september ber vi särskilt för alla skolbarn och studerande som inte vet om deras skolor och universitet kommer att erbjuda ordentlig utbildning och vara trygga. Vi ber för dem som erbjuder hemundervisning och för de barn som inte kan gå i skolan, utan måste gå i nätbaserad undervisning.
Biskop Christian Alsted
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September Prayer Letter
We stand with the United Methodists in Ukraine in prayer for protection, reconciliation, and peace. We pray for pastors, leaders and congregations in the United Methodist Church in Ukraine; may God grant that their witness of reconciliation and peace will bring strength and hope to the Ukrainian people.
In September we pray especially for the school children and students who do not know if their schools or universities will be offering proper education and will be safe. We pray for those who offer home schooling and for the children who cannot go to school, but must attend online schooling.
Bishop Christian Alsted