Kyrkostyrelsen har beslutat att betala reseunderstöd för våra representanter. Meddela om ditt intresse till
It is a great pleasure to invite lay people to sign up for the 16th European Methodist Lay Conference, this time in Velletri right outside of Rome, Italy.
THEME: Together in Faith
Every day there will be Bible studies, discussion groups, teaching, time for sharing, community, and lovely Italian food, and one of the days even a daytrip to Rome.
It is a blessing to become familiar with Methodists from other parts in Europe and get to know how the Methodist churches work in various countries. What kind of diaconal and social work is carried out and how is God at work in our churches? Building ties with other Christians is always a good experience, but especially meeting Methodists from other parts of the world is a blessing.
Each country may send two delegates; please contact who will decide who they will send and will contribute to the travel costs.
The planning team consists of members from Germany, Switzerland and Estonia and Norway. The Conference languages will be English and German, and simultaneous translation will be provided.
Please contact Vigdis-Merete Rønne who is one of the members of the planning team from the Nordic and Baltic Area for a full brochure at or download the brochure form our website
Latvijas apvienotā metodistu baznīca / Latvia United Methodist Church Eesti Metodisti Kirik Metodistkyrkan i Finland Lietuvos jungtinė metodistų bažnyčia/Lithuania United Methodist Church Metodistkirken i Danmark Metodistkirken i Norge Suomen Metodistikirkko